"La bottega del Vasari" was found by Gianni Inclimona, an artist who traces his anchestry to the renowed 16th Century Italian Renaissance Artist and Architect.


Gianni Inclimona called il "VASARI" begun in Milano 25 years ago reproducing glorious armies and battles of the past wich subsequently they became Chess Sets faithful to historic battles.

These Chess Sets are produced in bronze hand chiseled, finished with Gold and Silver. All work is carried out ad directly by Gianni Inclimona who continue to use old traditional methods and for this season is possible only few artistic Chess Sets a year.

La Bottega del Vasari is known in all over the world and their Artistic Chess Sets are many appreciated by VIP and careful Players or collectors.

Every Chess Set is produced in limited number and accompanied by a Certificate You can find the artistic Chess Set number.

You can find the Artistic Chess Set of "VASARI" at the best fascinating shop in the world. Anyway if you don't find them, you can ask to the best shop in your country to get in touch with us.